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Inspiration Behind
Resonance Clinics
The idea for Resonance took shape from experiences that indicated the current status of the awareness of speech and hearing disorders and their rehabilitation. In the daily hustle and bustle of life, things that should matter are often pushed to the bottom of the list of priorities.
The term “Quality of Life” has been replaced with “I’ll Manage”. Poor awareness of rehabilitative options, prohibitive costs and distance often keeps help from reaching those in need.
We decided on the name Resonance as it helped represent both Speech and Hearing. At Resonance, we specialize in, and are very passionate about providing quality rehabilitative care for individuals with Speech, Language & Hearing disorders.

Why Resonance?
Complete Solutions for All Your Communication Needs
Expert Professionals With Over 30 Years of Combined Experience
Customized Solutions to Fit Every Budget and Lifestyle Requirement
End-To-End Services to Seamlessly Resolve Your Problems
Home Visits for Minimal Hassle and Maximum Convenience
Proactive Approach: If There Is a Way, We Will Find It for You